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The Stillpoints Aperture 2 acoustic panels

represent a whole new form of acoustical treatment. The Stillpoints Aperture is three products in one: an absorber, a diffuser, and a resonator. Due to its revolutionary design, it is impossible to directly compare the performance parameters of the Stillpoints Aperture to a conventional acoustic panel made of fibreglass. The performance specifications of the Stillpoints Aperture continually adapt to the dynamic changes in amplitude and frequency of the audio/video system generating the waveforms within the acoustic environment. At any given amplitude and frequency, a “snapshot” measurement of performance could be taken, but that static measurement does not explain the reality of how the Stillpoints Aperture performs.

When using conventional acoustic panels made of typical absorbing materials, there will be only one volume level at which the absorbing material will adequately control the acoustic energy within the room. (This is a static system.) At volumes above that level, you would need more absorption. At volumes below that level, you will have too much absorption, and the room will sound lifeless, dark, and dull.

The Stillpoints Aperture utilizes a blend of absorption materials and a unique design of internal chambers to trap acoustic energy. The diffusion aspect of the Stillpoints Aperture breaks up the waveforms which will aid mid to high-frequency absorption and reduction. The resonator aspect of the Stillpoints Aperture offers control of the lower frequencies only when it’s needed. Thoughtful placement can achieve wonderfully controlled bass frequencies with dynamic, lifelike quality and speed.

With bass energy controlled, one can enjoy a light, lively, sparkling room of shimmering cymbals and explosive drum attacks, with wonderfully clear midrange and vocals at all amplitude levels.


The Stillpoints Aperture 2

is the only acoustic product that will give you both absorption and diffusion at the first reflection points of a system. And you want both!

– The Stillpoints Aperture has been effective from 40 HZ to 40K HZ.
– The Stillpoints Aperture’s unique trapping system captures an area of waveform much broader than its small surface area would suggest.
– The Stillpoints Aperture can be used to trap waveforms either facing the wall or facing away from the wall.
– The Stillpoints Aperture design allows for artwork or photographs of your choice to be inserted in the frame, thus raising the aesthetic appeal for everyone in the home.
– The Stillpoints Aperture effectively increases soundstage width and depth. This is especially true for smaller rooms. (See the Michael Fremer review: Stereophile, Feb 2016.)
– The Stillpoints Aperture will increase the dimensional perspective of the image structure.
– The Stillpoints Aperture Stands are lightweight and fully adjustable.
– The Stillpoints Aperture Stand allows for accessible Aperture auditioning on location without needing to attach to the wall surface.
– The Stillpoints Aperture Stands allow for close positioning of the Stillpoints Aperture near a loudspeaker to control energy where a wall is not adjacent to the speaker.
(i.e., When speakers are not located symmetrically to the room boundaries.)
– The Stillpoints Aperture Stands allow up to three Apertures to be hung on each side of the stand if desired.
– The Stillpoints Aperture Stands are very easy to move within a room for tuning vs conventional treatments that must be permanently fixed to a wall or ceiling surface.

The Stillpoints Apertures 2 will not:

1. Decrease or limit the dynamics of the system.
2. Diminish the power of the bass attack.
3. Unevenly control one frequency over another. (This is often the case with traditional room treatments)


DIMENSIONS: 22″ high x 22″ wide x 3 1/8″ deep

WEIGHT (depending on woods): 14lbs to 16lbs each

Colour variation

Aperture II – Wood Frame: Walnut, Fabric: Black

Aperture II – Wood Frame: Walnut, Fabric: Cream

Aperture II – Wood Frame: Cherry, Fabric: Black

Aperture II – Wood Frame: Cherry, Fabric: Cream

Aperture II – Wood Frame: Oak, Fabric: Black

Aperture II – Wood Frame: Oak, Fabric: Cream

Aperture II – Wood Frame: Painted Black, Fabric: Black

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